How A Dear Little Couple Went Abroad Page 4
IT was a very fine morning when our party of four went on board thesteamship (which we will call the _Funda_, though that isn't the realname) bound for the sunny Italian town of Naples. The water sparkled inthe sunshine, and the harbor was gay with the many kinds of ships andvessels in port. The dock was crowded with people going away and thefriends who had come down to see them off, as is always the case. Teddyand Polly clung to Mamma's hands, while Papa attended to the baggage,and at last they were safely on the steamer's deck, watching the crowdbelow and the handkerchiefs constantly waved from dock to deck and fromdeck to dock. Of course there was a great crowd of people on the shipalso who were not going away, but were taking a look at the steamer'shandsome saloons and state-rooms, and chatting with their departingfriends or relatives until the warning cry: "All ashore!" would beheard. As Teddy and Polly presently went with Mamma down the grandstaircase from the deck to the dining-saloon, and along the corridor tothe two state-rooms reserved for their use, they noticed with greatdelight the quantities of beautiful flowers arranged on thedining-tables awaiting the passengers to whom they had been sent byfriends as a "_Bon voyage_" and "send-off." (You know, perhaps, withoutmy telling, that "_Bon voyage_" means "good voyage"--"pleasant journey"in other words.) There were a quantity of letters also waiting to beclaimed, and presently Mamma found several for herself, and oh! joy forTeddy! one little letter addressed to him. How surprised he was! and howPolly rejoiced with him!
"Why, how did Mamma get it here all right on this ship, Auntie?" heasked, as Mrs. Darling opened it to read it to him.
"Oh, she knew just when the ship was to sail from here, and sent italong in the good old mail-bag, and so here it is, all full of surprisefor her boy, and full of love and kisses." Then she read it to him,sitting--they three--in a quiet corner of the saloon, and Teddy's browneyes filled with loving tears, and just a little bit of homesick longingfor a sight of his dearly loved Mother's face. But the letter made himvery happy, and after "Auntie" had finished reading he laid his softlittle lips and then his cheek against it for a minute and handed it toher again for safe keeping.
Then they went to the state-rooms--Polly was to share with Mamma, andTeddy and Mr. Darling were to have the room connecting--and Mamma puteverything in order for the voyage, and then they went back to the deckto watch the preparations for casting off from the dock. The trunks wererapidly being lowered into the hold, and Teddy screamed with pleasureand excitement when he chanced to see his little trunk borne along onthe shoulders of a big sailor who handled it as though it were only afeather. The letters "T. T." stood out proudly enough on the end of thetrunk, as though they felt the great importance of belonging to a boywho was being a "European traveler" for the first time in his life.
"And see, Teddy, see!" cried Polly, pointing eagerly to a man followingnext. "There's Mamma's trunk! I see the big red 'D' on the top. ButPapa's isn't there! Oh, Teddy Terry, do you s'pose they're forgetting'bout Papa's trunk? Don't you think I ought to find Papa and tell him'bout it?"
"Hi! man!" began Teddy, in his zeal for the trunk's safety, but Mammacaught his little arm as he was waving it about frantically to attractthe sailor's attention, and stopped further proceedings on the spot,explaining that nothing would be forgotten, and that they surely wouldfind the trunk all safe and sound on arrival at Naples. Just then Papacame along, and they moved to the rail of the deck to watch the peopleobey the warning shout of "All on shore!" while the hoarse whistle ofthe steamer's "blow-pipe" and the hurried orders given by the ship'sofficers made a sort of confusion which was intensely interesting to ourdear and wonder-struck little couple.
Impulsive Teddy, after his usual fashion when overcome with delight ordeep feeling of any kind, threw his arm about Polly's neck andrepeatedly kissed her fair little cheek, nor cared how many strangerswere looking on. Indeed, I don't believe he even gave them a thought, ashe was entirely absorbed in his joy, and his _Polly_; and as for Pollyherself, she was so used to being kissed and loved by her little comradethat the presence of strangers did not trouble her at all, and shecalmly kissed Teddy back again, greatly to the amusement of her Fatherand Mother, as also of some people standing near, who asked Mrs. Darlingif the children were twins. Mamma laughingly explained about them, andtold of their devotion to each other, and how Teddy happened to be withthem on the trip.
"Well," said one of the group, "_I_ certainly think they are the dearestlittle couple I ever met." And Mamma smiled when she heard the usualtitle again given to her young charges. So you will readily believe mewhen I tell you that it wasn't long before Teddy and Polly were primefavorites on board with all with whom they came in contact.
But we must return to our little ones, who, you know, were watching thedock and the preparations for the start. They didn't know anybody on thedock, but wished all the same to do as much handkerchief-waving asanybody else, so they went at it heart and soul; and, though the breezesdidn't play tricks on any of the "grown-ups," yet they certainly didwith Polly and Teddy, for presently there were two small handkerchiefsfloating in the air, and far beyond the reach of the surprised littleowners, whose eyes were following their property hopelessly enough.
But the little couple didn't care. "Let's play they're little whitebirds," laughed Polly, secretly wishing they had some more to float off.You see, they were too happy to mind any sort of mishap not serious. Thelittle handkerchiefs floated farther on, and finally landed around thecorner of the dock. While the children were pulling Mamma's gown to callher attention to it, and tell her about the mishap, there came a lastshout of "Good-bye! good-bye!" from those on deck and on shore, and thegang planks were hauled in, and with a slow, very gentle movement, asthe mooring-ropes were cast off and pulled on board, the big steamshipmoved away from the pier, and the distance gradually widened between herstern and the watchers on the dock, who were still waving hats,handkerchiefs, and canes with handkerchiefs fastened to their heads, sothat the farewell signals might reach as high and as far as possible.